From Homeless to Hopeful

There are 8,102 people in San Diego who are homeless. With your help, we are bringing hope to ONE more.

One mission. One home. One life.

At WeRevive, we are passionate about bringing REVIVAL to San Diego, one home and one life at a time.

That’s why a portion of all proceeds fund our #ONE Campaign. In partnership with the San Diego Rescue Mission (SDRM) we’re helping provide real people in San Diego with real solutions to overcome homelessness and find hope again.

How do our contributions make an impact?

WeRevive funds a $6,000 WeRevive Housing Scholarship twice a year for a recipient from each class that graduates from the 12 month program. The funds are used to cover some of their new housing-related expenses.

About The San Diego Rescue Mission

Serving San Diego County at multiple locations, San Diego Rescue Mission helps restore the lives of people experiencing homelessness, abuse, poverty or addiction through faith-based emergency services, residential rehabilitation programs, children’s services, hunger relief efforts and community outreach.

They provide immediate help AND long-term healing to our neighbors without homes.

REAL Impact: Randy’s Story

Meet Randy, the first ever WeRevive Housing Scholarship Recipient. Randy’s story is one of overcoming obstacles in so many areas of his life.

“The best way I can explain what it’s like being at the Mission, is feeling like a
dead man who has now come alive.”

The scholarship is another example for Randy, like everyone else in the program, that he’s not alone anymore, and he has a community of people around him rooting for and supporting him on his journey to full recovery.

“Being in this program, I have felt a sense of community that I have not felt in the last 25 years.”

With the dedication and lasting work of San Diego Rescue Mission, we believe that we can help every person overcome homelessness. One home and one life at a time.

For questions or interest in how you can get involved, email: